Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership

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What is the Maternity Neonatal Voices Partnership?

Who are we?

We are a group of parents and professionals who work together to help shape and develop maternity services provided by both Bradford Royal Infirmary and Airedale General Hospital.

We are led by two service-users – Nas, who had her baby at Bradford Royal Infirmary, and Sarah, whose baby was born at Airedale Hospital. We are supported by our Network Facilitator, Shazia.

What do we do?

We listen to women and families’ experiences of maternity and neonatal services at the two Trusts, then work closely with the staff at each Trust to ensure that these are heard, and are used to shape care.

We love meeting with women and their families to hear their experiences and ideas. We also travel across Bradford District, Craven – and beyond – to speak to those who have used these services. We are always happy to come to speak – and listen – to groups.

The Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) meets 4 times a year and is made up of community organisations, individual service users, and partner agencies including Heads of Maternity and Community Midwifery Teams from Airedale General Hospital and Bradford Royal Infirmary.

If you'd like to join us, get involved as a service user or through your work, or receive details of meetings please sign up to our mailing list

Share your experiences of maternity care in Bradford District and Craven using our feedback form below

What is the Maternity Neonatal Voices Partnership?

Who are we?

We are a group of parents and professionals who work together to help shape and develop maternity services provided by both Bradford Royal Infirmary and Airedale General Hospital.

We are led by two service-users – Nas, who had her baby at Bradford Royal Infirmary, and Sarah, whose baby was born at Airedale Hospital. We are supported by our Network Facilitator, Shazia.

What do we do?

We listen to women and families’ experiences of maternity and neonatal services at the two Trusts, then work closely with the staff at each Trust to ensure that these are heard, and are used to shape care.

We love meeting with women and their families to hear their experiences and ideas. We also travel across Bradford District, Craven – and beyond – to speak to those who have used these services. We are always happy to come to speak – and listen – to groups.

The Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) meets 4 times a year and is made up of community organisations, individual service users, and partner agencies including Heads of Maternity and Community Midwifery Teams from Airedale General Hospital and Bradford Royal Infirmary.

If you'd like to join us, get involved as a service user or through your work, or receive details of meetings please sign up to our mailing list

Share your experiences of maternity care in Bradford District and Craven using our feedback form below

Page last updated: 21 Jan 2025, 05:28 PM