Bradford District and Craven Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership feedback form

Why do we want your feedback?

We are inclusive and committed to hearing all voices. We will use the information and stories shared with us here to better understand your experiences of maternity care across Bradford district and Craven. We will work together to use the experiences you share to improve services.

All feedback will be kept anonymous, no personal details be collected.  Information will be collated and stored in line with our privacy policy.  

If you need any support to complete the survey, want a printed copy, or would like information in alternative languages or formats, email

Please note that if you have any concerns about your health or the health of your baby you should discuss this with your doctor, midwife or health visitor directly

This form it is not intended to be a forum for making formal complaints. If you want to raise concerns or issues about your care with the Trusts you can contact PALS below:

  • Bradford Royal Infirmary:
  • Airedale General Hospital:

0% answered


Which service are you sharing feedback about? You can tick more than one option

* required