Redesigning involvement
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We're looking at new ways of connecting with the people of Bradford District and Craven and need your help. Further down this page and across this website you will find a number of tools you can use to discuss ideas, ask questions and chat with others. Please go ahead and get stuck in! We want you to tell us how we can better involve people and communities in the district.
NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our services. Every level of our healthContinue reading
We're looking at new ways of connecting with the people of Bradford District and Craven and need your help. Further down this page and across this website you will find a number of tools you can use to discuss ideas, ask questions and chat with others. Please go ahead and get stuck in! We want you to tell us how we can better involve people and communities in the district.
NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our services. Every level of our health care system needs to be informed by listening to those who use and care about our services.
Teams from across the health and care system have collaborated more than ever during the past year, using their combined resources to reach out to all our communities. As we move out of the pandemic, we have an opportunity to build on this collaboration and identify new opportunities for sharing resources, bringing people together and joining up efforts to involve our communities. We want to understand what is working well and where improvements can be made.
Please check out some of our key documents linked to on this page.
What do we mean by involvement?
We want to ensure that we are actively involving, listening and connecting with patients, carers, community representatives, community groups, public and stakeholders to gather their views and feedback. This is then considered in all aspects of the Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group work.
The Government has set out plans for wide-ranging reforms to how health and social care services are commissioned in England, including Clinical Commissioning Groups will be incorporated into integrated care systems by the end of 2021, and will be statutorily dissolved into Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in April 2022.
You can learn more about what a ICS is on the website.
This involvement project has ended.
This is the Q&A section, ask us what you like about engagement - engage with us!
Share community partnerships under ICS will play a bigger role in delivering place based health and well-being services but are CPs ready for this? Will any training or engagement events be provided? CPs currently don’t talk to each other and some CPs are not led by the PCN in whose area they operate so can a forum for all CPs to come together be organised by the CCG to aid their development and enable them to learn best practice from each other? on Facebook Share community partnerships under ICS will play a bigger role in delivering place based health and well-being services but are CPs ready for this? Will any training or engagement events be provided? CPs currently don’t talk to each other and some CPs are not led by the PCN in whose area they operate so can a forum for all CPs to come together be organised by the CCG to aid their development and enable them to learn best practice from each other? on Twitter Share community partnerships under ICS will play a bigger role in delivering place based health and well-being services but are CPs ready for this? Will any training or engagement events be provided? CPs currently don’t talk to each other and some CPs are not led by the PCN in whose area they operate so can a forum for all CPs to come together be organised by the CCG to aid their development and enable them to learn best practice from each other? on Linkedin Email community partnerships under ICS will play a bigger role in delivering place based health and well-being services but are CPs ready for this? Will any training or engagement events be provided? CPs currently don’t talk to each other and some CPs are not led by the PCN in whose area they operate so can a forum for all CPs to come together be organised by the CCG to aid their development and enable them to learn best practice from each other? link
community partnerships under ICS will play a bigger role in delivering place based health and well-being services but are CPs ready for this? Will any training or engagement events be provided? CPs currently don’t talk to each other and some CPs are not led by the PCN in whose area they operate so can a forum for all CPs to come together be organised by the CCG to aid their development and enable them to learn best practice from each other?
mike frazer asked over 3 years agoThanks Mike for your comments. There is lots of work happening 'behind the scenes' to think about how we develop Community Partnerships and their important role in connecting to local communities.
Share This is an initial patient perspective of the draft Constitution of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate ICB, with a few question: Having read both the summary & the full draft ICS Constitution, I would venture to ask where, when & how has the patient voice been heard so that a clear understanding of needs & priorities have been captured to enable an effective design of the delivery structure. Although there is the bold (re-)statement that “our ultimate goal is to put people at the heart of everything we do so that, together, we meet the diverse needs of all communities”, the document is almost 100% provider-focused with little, if any, evidence to demonstrate the identified needs & the determination of the best solution. Are the processes for the capture of patients’ needs & satisfaction in terms of performance in delivering them (quality, speed, process) going to be presented for public scrutiny so that, together, we can affirm that the requirements & their levels of priority have been accommodated within the conceived structure? I note the referenced expanded role of Healthwatch, with the belief that this organisation will capture & relate the views of local people. This is an onerous task for an organisation which has tended to take a snapshot of individual views on particular topics at particular times in particular locations & has a dubious record of reporting the results of the collation & analysis on time & thereby effecting change from pertinent, endorsed conclusions. There isn’t the same continuity of focus on the service being delivered to specific patient populations by specific GP Practices, which is then reflected on a broader, collective scale at The Patient Network (or, in theory, as it should). Given this, there is no group (or groups) ‘taking the pulse’ of the patient population on an ongoing regular basis, highlighting issues & trends for representation at such events. Healthwatch is ‘parachuted’ into communities rather than living & breathing the expectations of the community population. Is this envisaged to change? Following on from this, I note the discontinuation of PPG activity across the district which is not simply as a result of the restrictions caused by the pandemic, but, from talking to fellow members, also as a result of frustration at the lack of real engagement at the local level & an effective channel through which to represent the groups’ views. Is there, therefore, a concerted effort to be made to establish a structure to enable the collective patient voice to be relayed & represented, in an unencumbered manner, to an approved, accountable group responsible for the oversight of patient service provision? Related to this, & given that The Bradford & Craven ‘Place’ is likely to be unique in its maintenance of The People’s Board as a vehicle for consulting on proposed or planned policy changes or significant service variations, is there to be a change in membership & / or structure which reflects the demographics & geographical expanse of the district so that there is an opportunity to collect & reflect local views? Alternatively, is The People’s Board going to be renamed to reflect its role as a sounding-board selected by the CCG / Place & for the scrutiny & testing of intended / proposed provider changes? If it is the former, there needs to be greater balance of members, accountability for contribution & a two-way communication structure to enable the delivery of legitimate consensus. Finally, & as a follow up to the reconfiguration of the provider organisation for West Yorkshire & Harrogate, when will the financial & staffing arrangements be published on a Place by Place basis in addition to the specific umbrella organisation so that comparisons can be made with the current budgets & enable patients to judge the value of the transformation as we begin to note its impact on the provision of services to residents? Thanks for providing the opportunity to submit initial comments on the intended pathway. Regards, David on Facebook Share This is an initial patient perspective of the draft Constitution of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate ICB, with a few question: Having read both the summary & the full draft ICS Constitution, I would venture to ask where, when & how has the patient voice been heard so that a clear understanding of needs & priorities have been captured to enable an effective design of the delivery structure. Although there is the bold (re-)statement that “our ultimate goal is to put people at the heart of everything we do so that, together, we meet the diverse needs of all communities”, the document is almost 100% provider-focused with little, if any, evidence to demonstrate the identified needs & the determination of the best solution. Are the processes for the capture of patients’ needs & satisfaction in terms of performance in delivering them (quality, speed, process) going to be presented for public scrutiny so that, together, we can affirm that the requirements & their levels of priority have been accommodated within the conceived structure? I note the referenced expanded role of Healthwatch, with the belief that this organisation will capture & relate the views of local people. This is an onerous task for an organisation which has tended to take a snapshot of individual views on particular topics at particular times in particular locations & has a dubious record of reporting the results of the collation & analysis on time & thereby effecting change from pertinent, endorsed conclusions. There isn’t the same continuity of focus on the service being delivered to specific patient populations by specific GP Practices, which is then reflected on a broader, collective scale at The Patient Network (or, in theory, as it should). Given this, there is no group (or groups) ‘taking the pulse’ of the patient population on an ongoing regular basis, highlighting issues & trends for representation at such events. Healthwatch is ‘parachuted’ into communities rather than living & breathing the expectations of the community population. Is this envisaged to change? Following on from this, I note the discontinuation of PPG activity across the district which is not simply as a result of the restrictions caused by the pandemic, but, from talking to fellow members, also as a result of frustration at the lack of real engagement at the local level & an effective channel through which to represent the groups’ views. Is there, therefore, a concerted effort to be made to establish a structure to enable the collective patient voice to be relayed & represented, in an unencumbered manner, to an approved, accountable group responsible for the oversight of patient service provision? Related to this, & given that The Bradford & Craven ‘Place’ is likely to be unique in its maintenance of The People’s Board as a vehicle for consulting on proposed or planned policy changes or significant service variations, is there to be a change in membership & / or structure which reflects the demographics & geographical expanse of the district so that there is an opportunity to collect & reflect local views? Alternatively, is The People’s Board going to be renamed to reflect its role as a sounding-board selected by the CCG / Place & for the scrutiny & testing of intended / proposed provider changes? If it is the former, there needs to be greater balance of members, accountability for contribution & a two-way communication structure to enable the delivery of legitimate consensus. Finally, & as a follow up to the reconfiguration of the provider organisation for West Yorkshire & Harrogate, when will the financial & staffing arrangements be published on a Place by Place basis in addition to the specific umbrella organisation so that comparisons can be made with the current budgets & enable patients to judge the value of the transformation as we begin to note its impact on the provision of services to residents? Thanks for providing the opportunity to submit initial comments on the intended pathway. Regards, David on Twitter Share This is an initial patient perspective of the draft Constitution of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate ICB, with a few question: Having read both the summary & the full draft ICS Constitution, I would venture to ask where, when & how has the patient voice been heard so that a clear understanding of needs & priorities have been captured to enable an effective design of the delivery structure. Although there is the bold (re-)statement that “our ultimate goal is to put people at the heart of everything we do so that, together, we meet the diverse needs of all communities”, the document is almost 100% provider-focused with little, if any, evidence to demonstrate the identified needs & the determination of the best solution. Are the processes for the capture of patients’ needs & satisfaction in terms of performance in delivering them (quality, speed, process) going to be presented for public scrutiny so that, together, we can affirm that the requirements & their levels of priority have been accommodated within the conceived structure? I note the referenced expanded role of Healthwatch, with the belief that this organisation will capture & relate the views of local people. This is an onerous task for an organisation which has tended to take a snapshot of individual views on particular topics at particular times in particular locations & has a dubious record of reporting the results of the collation & analysis on time & thereby effecting change from pertinent, endorsed conclusions. There isn’t the same continuity of focus on the service being delivered to specific patient populations by specific GP Practices, which is then reflected on a broader, collective scale at The Patient Network (or, in theory, as it should). Given this, there is no group (or groups) ‘taking the pulse’ of the patient population on an ongoing regular basis, highlighting issues & trends for representation at such events. Healthwatch is ‘parachuted’ into communities rather than living & breathing the expectations of the community population. Is this envisaged to change? Following on from this, I note the discontinuation of PPG activity across the district which is not simply as a result of the restrictions caused by the pandemic, but, from talking to fellow members, also as a result of frustration at the lack of real engagement at the local level & an effective channel through which to represent the groups’ views. Is there, therefore, a concerted effort to be made to establish a structure to enable the collective patient voice to be relayed & represented, in an unencumbered manner, to an approved, accountable group responsible for the oversight of patient service provision? Related to this, & given that The Bradford & Craven ‘Place’ is likely to be unique in its maintenance of The People’s Board as a vehicle for consulting on proposed or planned policy changes or significant service variations, is there to be a change in membership & / or structure which reflects the demographics & geographical expanse of the district so that there is an opportunity to collect & reflect local views? Alternatively, is The People’s Board going to be renamed to reflect its role as a sounding-board selected by the CCG / Place & for the scrutiny & testing of intended / proposed provider changes? If it is the former, there needs to be greater balance of members, accountability for contribution & a two-way communication structure to enable the delivery of legitimate consensus. Finally, & as a follow up to the reconfiguration of the provider organisation for West Yorkshire & Harrogate, when will the financial & staffing arrangements be published on a Place by Place basis in addition to the specific umbrella organisation so that comparisons can be made with the current budgets & enable patients to judge the value of the transformation as we begin to note its impact on the provision of services to residents? Thanks for providing the opportunity to submit initial comments on the intended pathway. Regards, David on Linkedin Email This is an initial patient perspective of the draft Constitution of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate ICB, with a few question: Having read both the summary & the full draft ICS Constitution, I would venture to ask where, when & how has the patient voice been heard so that a clear understanding of needs & priorities have been captured to enable an effective design of the delivery structure. Although there is the bold (re-)statement that “our ultimate goal is to put people at the heart of everything we do so that, together, we meet the diverse needs of all communities”, the document is almost 100% provider-focused with little, if any, evidence to demonstrate the identified needs & the determination of the best solution. Are the processes for the capture of patients’ needs & satisfaction in terms of performance in delivering them (quality, speed, process) going to be presented for public scrutiny so that, together, we can affirm that the requirements & their levels of priority have been accommodated within the conceived structure? I note the referenced expanded role of Healthwatch, with the belief that this organisation will capture & relate the views of local people. This is an onerous task for an organisation which has tended to take a snapshot of individual views on particular topics at particular times in particular locations & has a dubious record of reporting the results of the collation & analysis on time & thereby effecting change from pertinent, endorsed conclusions. There isn’t the same continuity of focus on the service being delivered to specific patient populations by specific GP Practices, which is then reflected on a broader, collective scale at The Patient Network (or, in theory, as it should). Given this, there is no group (or groups) ‘taking the pulse’ of the patient population on an ongoing regular basis, highlighting issues & trends for representation at such events. Healthwatch is ‘parachuted’ into communities rather than living & breathing the expectations of the community population. Is this envisaged to change? Following on from this, I note the discontinuation of PPG activity across the district which is not simply as a result of the restrictions caused by the pandemic, but, from talking to fellow members, also as a result of frustration at the lack of real engagement at the local level & an effective channel through which to represent the groups’ views. Is there, therefore, a concerted effort to be made to establish a structure to enable the collective patient voice to be relayed & represented, in an unencumbered manner, to an approved, accountable group responsible for the oversight of patient service provision? Related to this, & given that The Bradford & Craven ‘Place’ is likely to be unique in its maintenance of The People’s Board as a vehicle for consulting on proposed or planned policy changes or significant service variations, is there to be a change in membership & / or structure which reflects the demographics & geographical expanse of the district so that there is an opportunity to collect & reflect local views? Alternatively, is The People’s Board going to be renamed to reflect its role as a sounding-board selected by the CCG / Place & for the scrutiny & testing of intended / proposed provider changes? If it is the former, there needs to be greater balance of members, accountability for contribution & a two-way communication structure to enable the delivery of legitimate consensus. Finally, & as a follow up to the reconfiguration of the provider organisation for West Yorkshire & Harrogate, when will the financial & staffing arrangements be published on a Place by Place basis in addition to the specific umbrella organisation so that comparisons can be made with the current budgets & enable patients to judge the value of the transformation as we begin to note its impact on the provision of services to residents? Thanks for providing the opportunity to submit initial comments on the intended pathway. Regards, David link
This is an initial patient perspective of the draft Constitution of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate ICB, with a few question: Having read both the summary & the full draft ICS Constitution, I would venture to ask where, when & how has the patient voice been heard so that a clear understanding of needs & priorities have been captured to enable an effective design of the delivery structure. Although there is the bold (re-)statement that “our ultimate goal is to put people at the heart of everything we do so that, together, we meet the diverse needs of all communities”, the document is almost 100% provider-focused with little, if any, evidence to demonstrate the identified needs & the determination of the best solution. Are the processes for the capture of patients’ needs & satisfaction in terms of performance in delivering them (quality, speed, process) going to be presented for public scrutiny so that, together, we can affirm that the requirements & their levels of priority have been accommodated within the conceived structure? I note the referenced expanded role of Healthwatch, with the belief that this organisation will capture & relate the views of local people. This is an onerous task for an organisation which has tended to take a snapshot of individual views on particular topics at particular times in particular locations & has a dubious record of reporting the results of the collation & analysis on time & thereby effecting change from pertinent, endorsed conclusions. There isn’t the same continuity of focus on the service being delivered to specific patient populations by specific GP Practices, which is then reflected on a broader, collective scale at The Patient Network (or, in theory, as it should). Given this, there is no group (or groups) ‘taking the pulse’ of the patient population on an ongoing regular basis, highlighting issues & trends for representation at such events. Healthwatch is ‘parachuted’ into communities rather than living & breathing the expectations of the community population. Is this envisaged to change? Following on from this, I note the discontinuation of PPG activity across the district which is not simply as a result of the restrictions caused by the pandemic, but, from talking to fellow members, also as a result of frustration at the lack of real engagement at the local level & an effective channel through which to represent the groups’ views. Is there, therefore, a concerted effort to be made to establish a structure to enable the collective patient voice to be relayed & represented, in an unencumbered manner, to an approved, accountable group responsible for the oversight of patient service provision? Related to this, & given that The Bradford & Craven ‘Place’ is likely to be unique in its maintenance of The People’s Board as a vehicle for consulting on proposed or planned policy changes or significant service variations, is there to be a change in membership & / or structure which reflects the demographics & geographical expanse of the district so that there is an opportunity to collect & reflect local views? Alternatively, is The People’s Board going to be renamed to reflect its role as a sounding-board selected by the CCG / Place & for the scrutiny & testing of intended / proposed provider changes? If it is the former, there needs to be greater balance of members, accountability for contribution & a two-way communication structure to enable the delivery of legitimate consensus. Finally, & as a follow up to the reconfiguration of the provider organisation for West Yorkshire & Harrogate, when will the financial & staffing arrangements be published on a Place by Place basis in addition to the specific umbrella organisation so that comparisons can be made with the current budgets & enable patients to judge the value of the transformation as we begin to note its impact on the provision of services to residents? Thanks for providing the opportunity to submit initial comments on the intended pathway. Regards, David
DB asked about 3 years agoThanks for your detailed response David, your questions and comments related to the ICB constitution and routes for involvement have been fed back to the team at West Yorkshire and will be incorporated into their engagement process.
You’re right that Healthwatch have a strong position and statutory role in the health and social care legislation. As key partners in the ICS they will act as a conduit for people’s experiences of services, and an independent champion of patient and public involvement. Greater collaboration and sharing of insight across all partners will be crucial for this to be effective. You may wish to contact the Healthwatch team and be involved in shaping how this is taken forward.
I can’t answer your specific questions about structures and memberships etc, as we are working to develop this with colleagues across our partnership, people such as yourself who are closely involved in existing engagement and, most importantly, with communities who are worst affected by health inequalities and least likely to engage through traditional routes.
This online platform, our review of current structures, and our series of ongoing workshops are all intended to help us learn and improve.
Thank you for continuing to take part in this process and sharing your thoughts. Watch this space!
Share I have some feedback regarding the experiences of members of the Bradford Ageing without Children group, (AWOC). Is there anywhere I can send files as it is quite lengthy and in the form of a file? on Facebook Share I have some feedback regarding the experiences of members of the Bradford Ageing without Children group, (AWOC). Is there anywhere I can send files as it is quite lengthy and in the form of a file? on Twitter Share I have some feedback regarding the experiences of members of the Bradford Ageing without Children group, (AWOC). Is there anywhere I can send files as it is quite lengthy and in the form of a file? on Linkedin Email I have some feedback regarding the experiences of members of the Bradford Ageing without Children group, (AWOC). Is there anywhere I can send files as it is quite lengthy and in the form of a file? link
I have some feedback regarding the experiences of members of the Bradford Ageing without Children group, (AWOC). Is there anywhere I can send files as it is quite lengthy and in the form of a file?
Su asked over 3 years agoHi Su, yes please email them to
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