Redesigning involvement
This involvement project has ended.
We're looking at new ways of connecting with the people of Bradford District and Craven and need your help. Further down this page and across this website you will find a number of tools you can use to discuss ideas, ask questions and chat with others. Please go ahead and get stuck in! We want you to tell us how we can better involve people and communities in the district.
NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our services. Every level of our healthContinue reading
We're looking at new ways of connecting with the people of Bradford District and Craven and need your help. Further down this page and across this website you will find a number of tools you can use to discuss ideas, ask questions and chat with others. Please go ahead and get stuck in! We want you to tell us how we can better involve people and communities in the district.
NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our services. Every level of our health care system needs to be informed by listening to those who use and care about our services.
Teams from across the health and care system have collaborated more than ever during the past year, using their combined resources to reach out to all our communities. As we move out of the pandemic, we have an opportunity to build on this collaboration and identify new opportunities for sharing resources, bringing people together and joining up efforts to involve our communities. We want to understand what is working well and where improvements can be made.
Please check out some of our key documents linked to on this page.
What do we mean by involvement?
We want to ensure that we are actively involving, listening and connecting with patients, carers, community representatives, community groups, public and stakeholders to gather their views and feedback. This is then considered in all aspects of the Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group work.
The Government has set out plans for wide-ranging reforms to how health and social care services are commissioned in England, including Clinical Commissioning Groups will be incorporated into integrated care systems by the end of 2021, and will be statutorily dissolved into Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in April 2022.
You can learn more about what a ICS is on the website.
over 3 years agoShare Understanding on Facebook Share Understanding on Twitter Share Understanding on Linkedin Email Understanding link2 ResponsesLocal people and organisations in Bradford district and Craven told us that when it comes to involvement, trying to understand the situation a person is in, is crucial. We need to think big, and try to get an idea of the whole picture not just the 'patient', as this can help us discover the best way to connect with a person or community.
Do you agree? What tips do you have for how we might do this? Please do share, we're listening
over 3 years agoShare Collaboration on Facebook Share Collaboration on Twitter Share Collaboration on Linkedin Email Collaboration linkAt our event this summer, you told us that collaboration is a huge part of working with people, and that there needs to be complete involvement with communities from the start - not just when something needs implementing. Professionals and the public should be brought together and placed on a level playing field. Collaboration can help ensure people and communities develop and deliver their own work - resources should be allocated to the groups and people who are best to lead. Let's make projects community led.
What do you think? Can you share any examples of good collaboration with communities? Please comment below
over 3 years agoShare Delivery on Facebook Share Delivery on Twitter Share Delivery on Linkedin Email Delivery linkHow important is the delivery of involvement work? Do events need to be more fun? Regular? Different? Already existing? You told us that the agenda should be people-led - what does this look like? Tell us
over 3 years agoShare Environment on Facebook Share Environment on Twitter Share Environment on Linkedin Email Environment linkA theme that came through strongly from our redesigning involvement event was the importance of an environment where people feel comfortable and safe to open up and share their thoughts. Spaces could be informal, considering cultural differences and already a place that communities go.
Do you agree? Where do you feel most comfortable? Tell us
Creating trust
over 3 years agoShare Creating trust on Facebook Share Creating trust on Twitter Share Creating trust on Linkedin Email Creating trust linkIt's no secret that people engage more with those that they trust. You told us that in order to build trust in communities and with people in Bradford district and Craven, we must be open, honest and genuine. We can do this by showing that we are here to listen and demonstrating that local voices can influence change.
Do you agree? What other ways can we build trust with the people of Bradford? Tell us in the comments below
Let's talk about involvement
over 3 years agoShare Let's talk about involvement on Facebook Share Let's talk about involvement on Twitter Share Let's talk about involvement on Linkedin Email Let's talk about involvement linkThere is lots of activity going on across our district to gather people’s views and experiences of health and care. What are the groups, meetings, activities etc that you are aware of or involved in? Post them so we can build a better picture.
Please also use this forum as a safe space to discuss how we can build on the involvement processes that already exist and make improvements.
Empowering people
over 3 years agoShare Empowering people on Facebook Share Empowering people on Twitter Share Empowering people on Linkedin Email Empowering people linkYou told us that the people and communities we connect with need know why they're working with us and they need to feel heard. Keeping all parties involved at all stages of a project, including sharing the impact of a project, can empower communities to continue to get involved.
Do you agree? Do you have any ideas of how we might keep you in the loop?
Language and accessibility
over 3 years agoShare Language and accessibility on Facebook Share Language and accessibility on Twitter Share Language and accessibility on Linkedin Email Language and accessibility linkIn our recent redesigning involvement event, we asked you what good involvement looks like. Over the next few weeks we'll be posting the main themes/topics that came up at the event and asking for your thoughts.
The first theme that came up a lot was the language we use and the importance of accessibility. Do you think the language we use is too formal? Is there a lot of unnecessary jargon? Tell us how we can make content accessible to all by commenting on this post
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This involvement project has ended.
Key Dates
16 February 2022
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Who's listening
Engagement and experience manager
Senior officer, engagement & experience
MS -
Senior head of communications and engagement