Review of services at Shipley Hospital

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A new location for outpatient physiotherapy and community therapy services - what’s important to you?

We are planning to move outpatient physiotherapy and community therapy services from Shipley Hospital to alternative sites in and around north Bradford.

This is so we can provide modern, fit for purpose facilities for our patients and an improved working environment for our staff. We also want to move these services to locations that will be able to meet future demand.

The Shipley Hospital survey is now closed.

A detailed review has been carried out, including technical assessments, options appraisal, impact assessment, and public involvement, to determine the best solution for relocating services.

In September 2023, reports were presented at Bradford Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Board, and Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership Board (with delegated responsibility from West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board).

The proposal to relocate services from Shipley Hospital was supported, and work is now underway to ensure a smooth transition to the new locations.

Outpatient physiotherapy clinics from Shipley Hospital will be consolidated at Eccleshill Community Hospital where this service is already provided. Outpatient physiotherapy services will also continue to be offered from a range of current locations, including local GP practices such as Shipley Health Centre.

Community therapy services will move to Westbourne Green Community Hospital. This building meets the necessary requirements, and the space will be designed to create a bespoke state of the art therapy area to the service’s specifications.

Services will be in their new locations from July 2024.

In early 2024 we are opening up a community conversation to ask for ideas and views on how the money coming back into the local health economy from the sale of Shipley Hospital should be spent.

A new location for outpatient physiotherapy and community therapy services - what’s important to you?

We are planning to move outpatient physiotherapy and community therapy services from Shipley Hospital to alternative sites in and around north Bradford.

This is so we can provide modern, fit for purpose facilities for our patients and an improved working environment for our staff. We also want to move these services to locations that will be able to meet future demand.

The Shipley Hospital survey is now closed.

A detailed review has been carried out, including technical assessments, options appraisal, impact assessment, and public involvement, to determine the best solution for relocating services.

In September 2023, reports were presented at Bradford Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Board, and Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership Board (with delegated responsibility from West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board).

The proposal to relocate services from Shipley Hospital was supported, and work is now underway to ensure a smooth transition to the new locations.

Outpatient physiotherapy clinics from Shipley Hospital will be consolidated at Eccleshill Community Hospital where this service is already provided. Outpatient physiotherapy services will also continue to be offered from a range of current locations, including local GP practices such as Shipley Health Centre.

Community therapy services will move to Westbourne Green Community Hospital. This building meets the necessary requirements, and the space will be designed to create a bespoke state of the art therapy area to the service’s specifications.

Services will be in their new locations from July 2024.

In early 2024 we are opening up a community conversation to ask for ideas and views on how the money coming back into the local health economy from the sale of Shipley Hospital should be spent.

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Locations for physiotherapy services

about 1 year

This map shows the locations of NHS outpatient and community physiotherapy services in Bradford.

  Black marker: Shipley Hospital - outpatient and community physiotherapy services need to be moved from this site.

  Red marker: Potential new location for services currently provided at Shipley Hospital to move to.

  Blue marker: Other locations where outpatient physiotherapy services are currently provided.

A green circle containing a number indicates that there are multiple markers in that area of the map - zoom in to see more detail.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Page last updated: 23 Jan 2024, 03:55 PM