Our health and care partnership

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Developing our partnership

From 1 July 2022, our Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership will be responsible for arranging and delivering health and care services for the 650,000 people who live in Bradford District and Craven.

Our Health and Care Partnership brings together NHS, local authority, Healthwatch, community and voluntary sector organisations, and independent care providers. We are all working towards a shared vision of people living "happy, healthy at home."

Proud to be part of the West Yorkshire health and care partnership

The new Health and Social Care Bill is currently making its way through Parliament and

Developing our partnership

From 1 July 2022, our Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership will be responsible for arranging and delivering health and care services for the 650,000 people who live in Bradford District and Craven.

Our Health and Care Partnership brings together NHS, local authority, Healthwatch, community and voluntary sector organisations, and independent care providers. We are all working towards a shared vision of people living "happy, healthy at home."

Proud to be part of the West Yorkshire health and care partnership

The new Health and Social Care Bill is currently making its way through Parliament and if successful will come into being in July 2022. The purpose of the proposals is to integrate health and care systems to provide a more joined up service for our populations and improve both their experience and health. This is described as an Integrated Care System (ICS).

Bradford District and Craven (described as our place) is one of five 'places' that makes up the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (our ICS).

A new Integrated Care Board (ICB) will be created across West Yorkshire. This will be a statutory organisation taking on many of the responsibilities of the current Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) which will then cease to exist.

In West Yorkshire, we engaged widely about the draft ICB constitution, you can read the full involvement report on our ICB constitution webpage.

Involving people and communities in our place

As we are establishing these new arrangements for health and care in our place, we are focused on the importance of connecting people and communities into decision making.

One way we hope to achieve this is through a ‘network of networks’ approach, that will connect existing community groups and forums to provide an open and inclusive space for sharing ideas and insight to influence decision-making. In our working model this is described as our 'Citizen's Forum'.

This idea emerged from what people told us in previous workshops: learning from what’s working well already, while understanding the need to work differently; changing how we do things, in order to shift power to communities in line with our Act As One strategy.

To develop this approach, the CCG engagement team are working with a group that includes Healthwatch, VCSE (voluntary, community and social enterprise) organisations, involvement groups at local NHS Trusts, and members of existing networks.

Watch this space for more information and please share your thoughts using the tools below.

This involvement project has ended

If you have a question about our transition to an integrated care system, please post here.