How might we work together across Primary Care Networks to ensure more consistency in access for people in Bradford District and Craven, no matter where they live or who they are?
Why is this a problem?
- Each GP practice is an individual business, and their ways of working, IT and phone systems etc.
- Primary Care networks are groups of practices working together to serve a local population. Some PCNs are working well, others are still developing. When practices are so busy, it’s hard to spend time collaborating.
- In our Listen In programme we heard lots of variation in people’s experiences – with some people finding it much easier to access care than others.
- Variation in different PCNs risks deepening inequalities and making things better for some groups of our population while others are left behind.
What ideas did we come up with at our event?
- PCN membership for patients and staff - training & induction for shared understanding
- Funded shared time for practices to work together to shape good practice & ensure consistency
In the forum below, tell us...
What do you think of these ideas?
What questions do you have?
What do you think would make the biggest difference?