Our joint forward plan for NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
Engagement has concluded

Organisations in West Yorkshire, including the NHS, Councils and the Voluntary and Community Sector organisations are working on a five-year strategy for health and care services. The NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board is responsible for the development of a joint forward plan that will deliver the NHS parts of the strategy for people across West Yorkshire.
We want to know your thoughts on how we deliver on our ambitions.
We would like you to think about the health care that you and your family or loved ones and friends have experienced over the past two years. Please take a moment to do this before you visit our Joint Forward Plan consultation webpage and complete a short online survey to share your views: https://www.wypartnership.co.uk/publications/wy-integrated-care-strategy
In 2020 before the first COVID-19 lockdown, West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) published a five-year plan, ‘Better health and wellbeing for everyone’.
As a result of the passing of the Health and Care Act 2022, there is a requirement for each integrated care partnership (which we call our ‘Partnership Board’) to produce a five-year integrated care strategy to set the strategic direction for health and care services across the whole integrated care system (also known as West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership) including how NHS services, local councils, voluntary community social enterprise organisations, hospices and Healthwatch can deliver more joined-up, preventative, and person-centred care for people and communities.
Due to this requirement, we have been refreshing our 2020 five-year strategy to ensure that it reflects the needs of the 2.4 million people living within the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership area. This will be published in spring 2023. An early draft of this is available on our website.
The delivery of the NHS elements of our Integrated Care Strategy will be accountable to the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), via its Joint Forward Plan. The five-year strategy has been produced in partnership with colleagues working across West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. You can read about what this has involved on our website.
Your views
We would now like to consult on how we deliver our Integrated Care Strategy through the Joint Forward Plan as part of working with people and communities and as set out in our involvement framework.
This survey closed on 20 February.
The Joint Forward Plan is expected to be published by the 30 June 2023.
If you'd like any support to complete the survey, or would prefer to speak to someone to share your views, you can contact your local Healthwatch:
To help people complete the survey over the phone if requested.
Healthwatch Bradford
Telephone: 0300 5610 987 between the hours of 10:00 – 16:00. Monday to Friday
Email: info@healthwatchbradford.co.uk
Healthwatch North Yorkshire
Telephone: 01423 788 128 between the hours of 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday.
Email: admin@hwny.co.uk