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Proposed new service 'maternity circle' survey

Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership Better Births Programme are planning on creating a space where pregnant and postpartum women can drop-in and get support on: feeding baby, mental health, stopping smoking and lots more. We want to hear your views and opinions on the potential new support service 'maternity circle' to be access by the people in the Bradford District. 

The idea behind the ‘maternity circle’ is to provide a safe environment for women to come, talk to each other and get support and advice. 


Would this type of support service (maternity circle) be of interest to you?


How would you like the session to be run?


Where would you prefer the session to be?


What information/support would be helpful? (tick all that apply)


Who would you like to give you support?


Would you like a stay and play?
This would be the option for you to bring children down and stay as long as you want with a play area for the children.


Would you need any accessibility support?
Tick all that apply


What would you like to get from this service?
Tick all that apply